Thank a Vet Today

Utica’s Encino Boasts Four Pillars to Claim Top Appalachian Oil Producer; Trump prepares to withdraw from Paris climate agreement, NYT reports; Welcome to Baku, a City Built on Oil Hosting the World’s Climate Conference

Good morning and happy Veteran's Day. Go thank a veteran today. Encino has built an amazing story in the Northeast. They got to tell that story at DUG Northeast this last week. Trump has announced that he's preparing to withdraw from the Paris Climate agreement. And finally, as the Wolrd Climate Conference approaches, the host city is coming under fire. Bake is being called the 'City Built on Oil'. Can they protest themselves at their own conference? Let's drill down.

Daily Headlines

  • Utica’s Encino Boasts Four Pillars to Claim Top Appalachian Oil Producer Hart Energy$$$

  • Trump prepares to withdraw from Paris climate agreement, NYT reports Reuters

  • Welcome to Baku, a City Built on Oil Hosting the World’s Climate Conference Wsj

  • US oil industry eagerly awaits Donald Trump’s deregulatory push Financial Times$$$

  • Standard Chartered sees limited U.S. oil output growth OilPrice

  • Iran’s threat to close vital oil lane lacks impact OilPrice

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